- Via Eric the Unread and the Blithering Bunny, this essay on Virginia Woolf. I read Three Guineas many years ago but had completely forgotten its content: on reading this essay I can see why. The content bears no intelligible relation to reality, so my mind must have decided it was not worth wasting memory on.
- Erik of No-Pasaran shows the French Resistance at work. (Via Instapundit.)
- David Adesnik at Oxblog has a reasoned case for Kerry, taking into account the views of Gregory Djerejian and Dan Drezner. It's a good case and I respect his reasoning and his doubts. People like those three restore my faith in the possibilities for reasoned debate. More please.
- Jeff Jarvis expresses Loyal British sentiments. Good for him.
- The worthlessness of the UN, part 37: Winds of Change has a nice comment which shows that watching fairy stories can be useful for understanding international politics. Incidentally, if it had been Dubya rather than Kofi coming out with that 'banana republics' remark how long would it be before The Pundits started insinuating racism?
- This is the kind of thing that encourages me to believe that the Americans will usually do the right thing eventually. Merely dragging their feet for six years is bad, but it's a blip historically.